
Find the publication: Biomaterials in Danish Construction

Find the publication: Biomaterials in Danish Construction

We are very excited and proud to finally present the publication: Veje til biobaseret byggeri - Et blik på tværs (Pathways to biobased construction - A whole system view). Our 143-page interactive publication brings together the threads from a wide range...

Reimagining Copenhagen’s Middelalderbyen

Reimagining Copenhagen’s Middelalderbyen

In Copenhagen’s Middelalderbyen, plans are already underway to transform 600 of the area’s 1,100 parking spaces into vibrant urban spaces, wider pavements, more greenery, and other improvements. However, funding to bring these visions to life has yet to be...


Jakob Steen Christensen

Architect, Partner

Jan Yoshiyuki Tanaka

Architect, Partner

Kathrin Susanna Gimmel

Architect, Partner