A piece of Danish history

On Tuesday night, Nyborg Municipality and The Danish Cultural Ministry’s Agency for Culture and Palaces invited everyone for a presentation of the Nyborg Castle project in its final form.

A 22-meter guard tower has been added to the castle to emphasize its historical role as a defensive fortress. The new exhibition wing has been redesigned, and the castle wall has received more emphasis than in the original proposal.

In his welcome speech, Mayor Kenneth Muhs announced: ”The castle has been the scene of great events throughout history. Today is one of those events. It is with great expectations, a little nervousness, but also with joy, that we today present the finished project.”

Project leader of the Nyborg Castle restoration and expansion, Mads Falbe-Hansen, of The Danish Cultural Ministry’s Agency for Culture and Palaces, explained: ”It is hard not to be excited today. At the end of the architectural competition we had a good project, but today it has developed into an excellent one.”

We are grateful for the beautiful words and honored to be part of the transformation of an important piece of Danish history – together with CUBO, VMB, Schul, Schønherr, Søren Jensen and Mogens Morgen!

Date: 08 November 2018
Links: View project