One Court, One Community: We are working with The Children’s Basketball Foundation to create communities around street sports

The Children’s Basketball Foundation has, with help from The AP. Møller Foundation, raised funds to create new street basketball courts and other street sports activities in Copenhagen and Aarhus. We will help them make community spaces, based around sports, for people to visit, stay and return to.

Focusing on how to create inspiring, flexible and inclusive environments, we are currently doing sketch proposals at Urban 13 (Copenhagen) and Haugstrups Plads (Århus), where two new street basketball courts are planned in each location. In both, we are aiming to build excellent facilities for basketball and other street sports, whilst investing in the areas beyond the court: social spaces, exercise equipment, space for events and collaborations with artists.

An important part of the design process has been engaging regularly with existing user groups and listening to their ideas for the space. This has been especially useful in Urban 13 where there is an existing thriving community.

We will therefore draw on our experience from similar tasks such as Streetmekka AarhusKonditaget Lüders, and Gigantium Urban Space working with dynamic graphics, niches, plateaus, and more.

About The Children Basketball Foundation

BørneBasketFonden is a non-profit foundation aiming to move children through basketball and increase interest and knowledge of the sport.

Since 2014, the foundation has worked on getting organized sports closer to children of school age and creating healthy habits for them. Working closely with municipalities, local basketball clubs, schools etc., throughout the country, the foundation develops training options for children who haven’t been active in organized sports before.

Date: 30 September 2022
Links: BørneBasketFonden website