Is building in wood the best way to save CO2 in the construction industry?

Together with our friends from ONV Arkitekter we have been chosen to develop a strategy for designing and building a highly ambitious experimental building of 5 floors – made from wood and with the lowest possible CO2-footprint – for the new urban development, Kanalbyen, in Fredericia. The project aims to challenge our use of wood as material and come up with new, innovative solutions for the use of wood in construction and, through the process, illuminate challenges and potentials.

Also prequalified for the ‘MiniCO2 Storey House “WOOD”’ competition is Vandkunsten and Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (for the architecture part) and Sweco, Rambøll and MOE (for the engineer part). The winning architect and the winning engineer will be teamed up and get to develop, design and build the demonstration project as the first in a series of similar projects focusing on other building materials.

The competition is launched by Realdania By & Byg.

Image: Almenbolig+ Nordre Fælled Kvarter (which is built of modular wood elements, and which we also did together with ONV)

Date: 2 June
Links: Read more about the project