Raising the structural frame: A site visit to Bagsværd Observation Home

We’ve just visited the new Bagsværd Observation Home we’ve created together with Bogl and ABC Engineers for LIVSVÆRK. Right now, the structural frame of ‘The Garden House’ is being raised, and we are following the process with great excitement. The Garden House offers a harmonious living experience with balconies overlooking the garden and nearby lake. From the living rooms, future residents can access the garden.

Test project for a new “Sustainability Standard”

Serving as a test project for Den Frivillige Bæredygtighedsklasse (Voluntary sustainability standard) the Bagsværd Observation Home project seeks to embrace both environmental, climate, social, and economic quality. The standard can be seen as a preview – and a test – of how future climate-oriented regulations of construction can be incorporated into future building regulations.

Having a major impact on the CO2 footprint, we have, among other things, focused on the materials we use in the building. The use of wood, including all the CLT elements, helps us to get below 8 kg. CO2 equivalent per m2 per year, which are the requirements for the standard.

The wooden frame is raised right now by CLT Danmark


Above basement level, the building is constructed as a lightweight structure with load-bearing structures primarily in wood, in a combination of CLT walls, CLT decks, glulam columns and structural timber (rafters).

CLT (Cross-laminated timber) are wooden construction elements consisting of multiple layers of kiln-dried dimension lumber oriented at right angles to one another and then glued to form structural panels. This makes them extra strong and stable. On site, the CLT elements are easy and effective compared to other materials such as concrete and lightweight concrete.

About Bagsværd Observation Home

Bagsværd Observation Home is a project aiming to make the physical setting of the site provide even better support for the social pedagogical work that the association Livsværk performs for some of the most vulnerable in Danish society – vulnerable children and their families.

Living in the observation home, the kids and families are met with a soft and human scale in harmony with the natural setting. The building is constructed and clad in wood and the material gives a natural and warm atmosphere in and around the building.

Made in collaboration with BOGL apsABC – Rådgivende IngeniørerFLUX AD with BAUHERR as client adviser for Landsforeningen LIVSVÆRK and Jakon A/S as contractor.

Generously supported by Realdania and A.P. Møller Fonden


You can read much more about the Voluntary Sustainability Standard via this website by Social- og Boligstyrelsen.

Go to the Bagsværd Observation Home project page here

Date: June 23