Reimagining Copenhagen’s Middelalderbyen

In Copenhagen’s Middelalderbyen, plans are already underway to transform 600 of the area’s 1,100 parking spaces into vibrant urban spaces, wider pavements, more greenery, and other improvements. However, funding to bring these visions to life has yet to be prioritized by the city’s politicians.

To spark action, we’ve partnered with Magasinet KBH to create visualizations of three of the plan’s nine flagship projects. In a series of three articles, we showcase these visualizations and explore the stories behind each selected site: Vandkunsten, Dyrkøb/Nørregade, and Skindergade/Vestergade.

Our aim is to inspire the city’s politicians to move the project forward — or perhaps encourage a foundation to help breathe new life into Copenhagen’s historic core.

Explore the visions via the link

Date: December 18