Happy New Year! JAJA Architects 2022 highlights

What a year 2022 has been. To follow up on our biannual reviews, we’ve rounded up the highlights of the last six months in which we have worked on several new and exciting projects, exhibited in Oslo, made presentations in a wide range of countries, and been on several inspiring site visits. Happy reading and Happy New Year!

We Won the Architectural Competition for a New and Climate-Friendly Copenhagen Metro Station Concept

We’re super proud that we won the architectural idea competition with our proposal for a new and more climate-friendly metro. Our proposal shows that you can’t achieve a resource-efficient and climate-friendly metro station with a superficial material adaptation. Instead, it requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to sustainable design and construction leading passengers from A to B in a material-optimized, climate-friendly metro concept. Presented via the three-scaled strategy: Materials, Mobility Hub, and Climate Campaign our concept not only focuses on reducing CO2 emissions but also seeks to connect the metro to the overall mobility strategy and engage the thousands of daily passengers.

Read more via our project page or Archdaily

Multi-use sports center at Skøjtehalsgrunden

We’ve just handed in our investigations for design possibilities for a new multi-use sports centre at the Skøjtehalsgrunden site next to Parken, Østerbro. The main idea behind building a new centre is to create a better environment in the capital and city district for athletics, gymnastics, and football. The sports centre will contain various small-sided football pitches, an indoor athletics facility with a 200 m running track, multi-discipline gymnastics equipment, and facilities for research, learning, innovation, and development. Our feasibility study explores what is possible within the area and how to integrate the many desires of the Copenhagen Municipality and other stakeholders.

Read more here

Car Free(dom) Exhibition at the Oslo Architecture Triennale

In September and October, we were at the former Edward Munch Museum showcasing many different aspects of our Car Free(dom) project by inviting visitors into a room full of models, illustrations, and green mobility visions. Homaging the work of Swedish illustrator, Karl Jilg, we’ve designed before/after scenario models highlighting just how much space we give to cars. Next to the model we placed two ‘parklets’, kindly donated by Vestre, as a 1:1 representation of the space taken up by a car.

We’ve also created a vision for Car Free(dom) in Oslo in collaboration with Lala Toyen and Sweco to show how the concept can be adapted and implemented in all major cities – and thus play a central part in our common CO2 reduction goal (In Copenhagen, the main traffic roads are accountable for 80% of the total traffic-related CO2 emissions).

More info here

Proposals for the Children’s Basketball Foundation

Focusing on how to create inspiring, flexible and inclusive environments with BørneBasketFonden, we’ve made sketch proposals at Urban 13 (Copenhagen) and Haugstrups Plads (Århus). In both, we’ve aimed to create great facilities for basketball and other street sports, whilst investing in the areas beyond the court: social spaces, exercise equipment, space for events, and collaborations with artists.

More info here

Mini CO2 Fire test success Visible wooden beams are back in multi-storey housing. This we can say as our newly developed deck for the MiniCO2 Multi-storey house project – a ribbed deck with visible wooden beams and bio-based insulation – passed an extensive fire test at The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology. The successful test paves the way for using deck elements with partially visible wooden beams in combination with bio-based insulation in multi-storey house constructions!

More info here

Developing Sustainable Mobility in smaller Danish towns

Together with our friends from Urland, we will help Realdania develop urban life in smaller Danish towns (5.000 – 20.000 inhabitants) by identifying sustainable models and scenarios for future mobility. Expected new requirements in the Planning Act for strategic planning for city centres demand that every municipality produce a strategic planning document for vibrant city centres. A part of the planning will be focusing on how to include new and more green mobility forms. To help the municipalities in their effort to meet these expected requirements, we will create an idea catalogue.

Read more here

Date: 2 January 2023